climate change & chicken-of-the-woods

Laetiporus sulphureus-

season is already over actually. despite, me homie was lucky enough to find a bunch:

young chicken-of-the-woods

that’s when 2 eggs, old bread rolls and a lemon come in handy…

breaded chicken-of-the-woods

btw: chicken polypore is healthy because it prohibits growth of eevil bacteria in your intestines.

MUST SEE: garbage.

not much new in my line of business:

cherry season is about to begin

tomatoes, cherries and cherry tomatoes.

Marillen – like they made peaches out of Mirabellen

blueberries and that yellow peach-like thingies (top ri.), grapes from India.

butter bricks

an orchid among this mess of butter and miulk.

fair-teiler re-stocked

once more, we couldn’t give all of it away, so we brought it to the 24/7 free shop.

took me 1 min

took me longer to post this. beer (1/12 bottles broken) and eggs (1 cracked): once more i wonder if there was a deeper meaning in this… ?

breaking news

carrot salad AND fruit salad for 20 ppl.

breaded mushrooms

home made ketchup, and cucumber-carrot salad; champignons breaded in egg (see above). all free (except the pumpkin seed oil).

mai – more stuff

Christians and Christianinnen, once more i have to quarrel with your faith system:

after eating eggs until you puke (as a remnant of the paganism on which catholicism is built upon), it’s obvious, that you people will not want to eat any eggs in the near future – it’s the same every year, innit!?

so why not give the chickens the day off – 74 eggs, are you crazy, and/or is this another biblical code revealed in the gehenna of gnostic garbage?

74 – a biblical number!?

… or is it a test by the All Knowing Wastebin itself to it’s loyal Followers, to eat an egg daily for the coming 74 days… what does your priest say?

have some Spargel to your sunny egg!

btw: the Hot Ketchup i made from the tomatoes turned out GREAT!


Those Who Have Shall Be Given

applause to the supermarket-serf who (wo-)managed to toss 60 eggs into the garbage bin WITHOUT BREAKING A SINGLE ONE!!1!

another highly spiritual question: why is cow with milk unkosher, but chicken with egg is kosher-ok? pls. comment!

trashe cuisine food-porne

some food-porn for inspiration – of course, you can replace the dead chicken bits with soya chunks. but the stringy melted cheese cannot be substituted – because the casein (= sticky stuff in milk) triggers the mother’s milk-morphines in your silly brain.

christians and pigs

firstly, i have to say sorry to everyone whose name is christian. it’s not even a real name. i pity you.

but, christians and christinnen, one thing i don’t understand is: when you don’t like the pig, why do you have to kill it?

plastic pork & chicken

appr 4kg pig in appr 2,5kg plastic, additionally appr 0,5kg chicken (sweet&sourly desecrated) in appr the same amount of plastic.

… and why do you turn the beef into objects that resemble excrement before you eat it?

april outdoors

it is still a month with -r-, but photosynthesis is already on:

leaves bouquet (dandelions, mustard cabbage, ruccola, other ruccola, mint, kerbel, brennnesseln)

plants that come by themselves.

and when you are outdoors already, why not take

some handful of wheat flour from the bins, mix in some sea salt from the bins with water from a spring, and fry in olive oil from the bins:

raw chapati
could start a tradition

then take tomatoes from the bins, spring onions from the bins, maybe a lemon from the bins, and slice some yellow cheese from the bins.

this may be the beginning of a long lasting tradition.

april fools

foolishly, i had been locked out of this blog, this very temple of surplus, waste, affluence and rebirth.

behold the offerings of easter time:

spinach in bags


kiwis & champignons


apr bread




is this a ball game?
sushi from Poland
carrots & green pepper

Birch water and Bear’s leek

diy birch water tap

now is Birch tapping season. birch water contains appr. 1% birch sugar – the real stuff, not the fake supermarket stuff (made out of oak bark or corn husks); and priceless cell-fixing Bethulin. that’s stuff that’s so good you can’t find any in any “super”market.

also on the menu now:

baerlauch pesto

Chives go by many names, and can be harvested multiple times. make sure to leave enough to recover, or better: spread to another shaded and moist place.


when the (garbage) saints go March-ing on…


fastenzeit: the cathoholics don’t eat their pig…

that’s why the Bins Who Know Your Sins are a-plenty with pig meat. and chocolate desserts.

“fair-teiler” with free book shelf

Behold the “Fait-teiler”-box we frequently restock with our surplus, above. Left to it there’s a free book shelf.


do they still call it Makedonia salad?

‘t was a fruit salad day, followed by:

dille and (live) oregano

my neighbors’ kids ate all the cherry tomatoes; the Oregano looks much more vital already:

free oregano!

oregano in the outdoor survival

smoked makrele, maw miwk

actually, the chronologicl order is messed up for dramatic purposes; this batch is from earlier this month (it’s all finished by now. turned into sh!t).

Bread & Wine from the Bins.

A clear pattern of Hardcore Catholic Lithurgy is emerging from the Waste Bins: to the Knowing, this month’s topic appears to be Bread & Wine

bread stuffed with Bovines, bottle of Wine (center)

Providence provided a glass to drink the Sacred Müll-Wine from, filled with fancy chocolate dessert still (center). Four animals scattered among the bread rolls.

more bread, more milk, more honey

Guatemaltec honey to go with 13 bricks of milk (cow and goat – Ave Goat!), atop holy Krapfen (fried pastries, bottom right), and a remainder to serenely shower in Dusch-gel provided the Waste. (Also some chocolate and cheese.)  Sock for size comparison (large foot, large, erh, nose)

seasonal greens and bananas, bonus-chalice.

Green yellow and red, orange oranges and another glass (top left) to drink the Sacred Wine. Center: Some roots to remind us we will all turn into soil, and return as green leaves.

bulbs of eternal life among other night shades.

The (not soooo) Irish Potato is the ever returning bulb of eternal stubbornness. Together with bell peppers and tomatoes they form the Trinity of (not so) Toxic Night-shades always close to humanity. To bore you, some more apples, oranges and dull bananas (mango in between).

Trembling with Excitement, we await what the Fasten-Zeit will pour upon us –

Trve Believers of the Surplus.


seeds for 2019 season

it’s still a little early to start germinating for the 2019 (outdoor) vegetable growing season, but early bird gets the longer growing season.

so in case you gathered some seeds from organic veggies all winter, you may already have some variety to start with, and don’t need to spend too much on fancy “heirloorm” low-output high-cost seeds:

pumpkin, squash, cucumber, (non-hybrid) tomato & bell peppers, chili, physalis,  … i might try the Kiwano just for fun; water melon might work…

multiple cucumber family seeds, 9 types of moschata pumpkins incl Hokkaido and Napoli; smallest: Kiwano.

for egg-plants (aubergines, melanzani) get some non-hybrid seed from a friend, or a shop – soon.

from now on, you should also keep your sprouting potatoes.

Horse radish (Kren) and red radish (Radieschen) can be re-planted; the former will grow roots down, the latter will grow leaves up, and produce (flowers and) seeds soon.

For Garlic it’s little late; if you expect a long growing season, why not give it a try.

