this year’s harvest

the past year 2018, i applied some methods of perma-culture into horti-culture. i cultivated several plots and fields with a high variety of plants that need few taking-care-of, including many Quick Greens that can be harvested multiple times a year. in the city, i added Llama-manure to the otherwise poor soil. now it’s teeming with life. (picture of “vegan” Llamas at the bottom.)

not-for-the-money shot

from one plot, an occupied site near the university, i got Arugula/Ruccola, Basil, Pumpkin “Langer von Neapel”, tomatoes “Yellow Zebra”, “Ribisel” (red) and “Goldtropfen” (yellow), Jalapenho-chilis, potatoes “Rosa”, purple string beans (i harvested them 9x). in the box, next to the basil are “Mountain Leechee” Cornus Kousa (a dogwood variety). (2€-coin for size comparison)

without much effort, i brought in so much harvest, i had to start to sell some of it, just because i wasn’t able to give all of it away, for free!

(especially during tomato season graz is rather deserted, austrians seem to follow their habsburg instincts and flock at the croatian seaside.)

the pumpkin came from 1 tiny seed out of a supermarket bin (it was labelled “organic”, tho) and was appr 11kg. it’s from the moschata branch, so it’s rather sweet tasting, good for soup, stew, et al. i assume, it’s “Langer von Neapel”.

i divided the pumpkin among 5 WGs (co-housings) and still brought a chunk to a fairteiler-box.

here are the Llamas, that made it all happen:

Alpine Llamas


fresh fruit & harvest in december

thanks to climate change (and some earlier research) i find fresh food even in the dead of winter:

Zürgel- oder Nesselbaum (Celtis australis)

These ones are fresh of the tree. They’re more like a snack because there’s very little fruit pulp on, but the taste and the vitamins make up for the hassle.

Blasenkirsche (Physalis)

This variety of physalis yields many, rather small fruit that taste like pine-apple, over a prolonged period. (2€-coin for size comparison)

Bucheckern (Fagus sylvatica)

Red beech nuts taste like hazel nut. They are meant to be roasted before eating (to solve some agents). (2€-coin for size comparison)

… and to round it up with some fresh greens:

Löwenzahn (Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia)

Dandelions grow all year round. (Right now they are covered with snow) They make a nutricious, healthy and delicious salad – if you like ’em bitter; they are in the sub-family of cichoree.

dandelions potato salad

bread, potatoes, redkraut and olive oil are from the bins, btw. (also the chop-sticks)



“Peruvian Earth Pear”

Yacón (Smallanthus sonchifolius, Syn.: Polymnia edulis)

cultivating yakon makes your life better: you learn about an(other) amazing plant, you get the better body by working the earth and eating better food.

all you need is free time, free earth, and some yacón seeds or rhizome shoots:


you can also replant last year’s stem with some rhizome left.

unlike potatoes or topinambur, you can’t just leave bits in the ground and expect them to grow by themselves the next season. instead, it’s essential to find them a good place over winter: either in the cellar, or as a houseplant.


really really free market graz

graz has tons of free food.

i never stand in line at supermarkets. instead, i harvest 0km – negative waste food – multiple times a week, if i want to. me and my friends can’t possibly eat it all.

also, i’m finding free, wild, healthier plants all year round.

tired of slaving your life away for shitty food?

Join me – the free and better life is full of surprises and marvels.

where tropical meets rural

Here is some newer stuff:

no oil crisis

Olive season – so they throw out olive oil…

extended chestnut season

Posted before this i have not:

can you find the missing egg?

some more Best-of-s:

highly haram

t’was me humble share of an evening worth mentioning. the odd things (center) on top of the eggs are Maracuya, the seeds even sprouted. the cookie were shid, i fed them to birds. the Plum Schnaps/Slivovica in the back actually were expired! i spiked some of it with hot chili fingers i got from a friend. washing machine for size comparison.


… wo jeder Tag Ostern ist…

i followed a rabbit down a tunnel, and found the places, where every day is Easter day! One man’s trash, another one’s treasure – one supermarket bin, one week of food.


the rest of the west



All this toxic metal i gave to people who appreciated it.

bag of bread

The eternal cycle of white bread…

some more bread rain

… turning into new white bread. (more bread shots at the bottom)

But don’t panic – it’s all organic (matter):


I love how the colors change over the course of the year. I actually matter the plastic it’s wrapped in. But helps to keep the waste fresh.


Must be a banana-country i’m in…

… but not always vegan…

bin of milk&honey

If it’s on the shelves, it’s just a matter of time before it’s in the bins – I consider it ethically vegan (“freegan”) then.

The following section documents crimes against humanity:

bin of bread

Not good enough for human consumption – because some rule-abiding bread-winner lost all sense of deceny.

role model

The deed of another capitalist role model… your family must be very proud of what became of you…

same bin, same scene.

Another day, same result.

bread bin at low tide

Must be low tide in the bakery… still, more bread than a person should eat in a week.


supermarket’s logo

I wouldn’t recommend eating bread out of the bins.


pigeons like it anyway

I use it to feed animals.


crisps, anyone?