ye Queste be continued…

just uploading this stimulates me appetite, and brings back the times, ah and the flavors…

oranges in unusual arrangement

i call it “oranges-and-onion-fountain” with bananas

these in the top row will break your teeth

we gave them away in time. hey, there we found pumpkin seed oil in the center

sweets and meats

sometimes life is honey, sometimes carnage, sometimes boring white bread

sometimes it’s just healthy

… and you flush the wheat and sugar out of your system.

remember the 3rd Eternal Truth of The Waste:

you Are the Waste you eat!

and Provide will The Waste

… and then you get potatoes! enough to keep the eternal potato bulbs growing, because in fact, humans are slaves to potatoes, think about it. and why am i standing on one pantoffel?

now i remember:

because i dropped something on my other toe. here is bird feed for 2 winters (bucket bottom left)

the other side of the story is:

and sometimes you just need to eat bitter chicorees (that grow in abundance everywhere near you from Feb, to Nov.) and horse radish. and bananas for potassium

how do you call the rectangular things to hang your shirts?

… and the cycle of wheat and sugar revolves, dragging along a couple of fish

end of april

the atrocity top far-right i gave to ppl that can stomach such, and used the sweet stuff to fuel my pull-ups.

hahah, did you notice!?

… that i began with this pic!? that was my april, tbc someday soon