mai – more stuff

Christians and Christianinnen, once more i have to quarrel with your faith system:

after eating eggs until you puke (as a remnant of the paganism on which catholicism is built upon), it’s obvious, that you people will not want to eat any eggs in the near future – it’s the same every year, innit!?

so why not give the chickens the day off – 74 eggs, are you crazy, and/or is this another biblical code revealed in the gehenna of gnostic garbage?

74 – a biblical number!?

… or is it a test by the All Knowing Wastebin itself to it’s loyal Followers, to eat an egg daily for the coming 74 days… what does your priest say?

have some Spargel to your sunny egg!

btw: the Hot Ketchup i made from the tomatoes turned out GREAT!


Those Who Have Shall Be Given

applause to the supermarket-serf who (wo-)managed to toss 60 eggs into the garbage bin WITHOUT BREAKING A SINGLE ONE!!1!

another highly spiritual question: why is cow with milk unkosher, but chicken with egg is kosher-ok? pls. comment!

trashe cuisine food-porne

some food-porn for inspiration – of course, you can replace the dead chicken bits with soya chunks. but the stringy melted cheese cannot be substituted – because the casein (= sticky stuff in milk) triggers the mother’s milk-morphines in your silly brain.