fresh fruit & harvest in december

thanks to climate change (and some earlier research) i find fresh food even in the dead of winter:

Zürgel- oder Nesselbaum (Celtis australis)

These ones are fresh of the tree. They’re more like a snack because there’s very little fruit pulp on, but the taste and the vitamins make up for the hassle.

Blasenkirsche (Physalis)

This variety of physalis yields many, rather small fruit that taste like pine-apple, over a prolonged period. (2€-coin for size comparison)

Bucheckern (Fagus sylvatica)

Red beech nuts taste like hazel nut. They are meant to be roasted before eating (to solve some agents). (2€-coin for size comparison)

… and to round it up with some fresh greens:

Löwenzahn (Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia)

Dandelions grow all year round. (Right now they are covered with snow) They make a nutricious, healthy and delicious salad – if you like ’em bitter; they are in the sub-family of cichoree.

dandelions potato salad

bread, potatoes, redkraut and olive oil are from the bins, btw. (also the chop-sticks)