Bread & Wine from the Bins.

A clear pattern of Hardcore Catholic Lithurgy is emerging from the Waste Bins: to the Knowing, this month’s topic appears to be Bread & Wine

bread stuffed with Bovines, bottle of Wine (center)

Providence provided a glass to drink the Sacred Müll-Wine from, filled with fancy chocolate dessert still (center). Four animals scattered among the bread rolls.

more bread, more milk, more honey

Guatemaltec honey to go with 13 bricks of milk (cow and goat – Ave Goat!), atop holy Krapfen (fried pastries, bottom right), and a remainder to serenely shower in Dusch-gel provided the Waste. (Also some chocolate and cheese.)  Sock for size comparison (large foot, large, erh, nose)

seasonal greens and bananas, bonus-chalice.

Green yellow and red, orange oranges and another glass (top left) to drink the Sacred Wine. Center: Some roots to remind us we will all turn into soil, and return as green leaves.

bulbs of eternal life among other night shades.

The (not soooo) Irish Potato is the ever returning bulb of eternal stubbornness. Together with bell peppers and tomatoes they form the Trinity of (not so) Toxic Night-shades always close to humanity. To bore you, some more apples, oranges and dull bananas (mango in between).

Trembling with Excitement, we await what the Fasten-Zeit will pour upon us –

Trve Believers of the Surplus.