when the (garbage) saints go March-ing on…


fastenzeit: the cathoholics don’t eat their pig…

that’s why the Bins Who Know Your Sins are a-plenty with pig meat. and chocolate desserts.

“fair-teiler” with free book shelf

Behold the “Fait-teiler”-box we frequently restock with our surplus, above. Left to it there’s a free book shelf.


do they still call it Makedonia salad?

‘t was a fruit salad day, followed by:

dille and (live) oregano

my neighbors’ kids ate all the cherry tomatoes; the Oregano looks much more vital already:

free oregano!

oregano in the outdoor survival

smoked makrele, maw miwk

actually, the chronologicl order is messed up for dramatic purposes; this batch is from earlier this month (it’s all finished by now. turned into sh!t).