MUST SEE: garbage.

not much new in my line of business:

cherry season is about to begin

tomatoes, cherries and cherry tomatoes.

Marillen – like they made peaches out of Mirabellen

blueberries and that yellow peach-like thingies (top ri.), grapes from India.

butter bricks

an orchid among this mess of butter and miulk.

fair-teiler re-stocked

once more, we couldn’t give all of it away, so we brought it to the 24/7 free shop.

took me 1 min

took me longer to post this. beer (1/12 bottles broken) and eggs (1 cracked): once more i wonder if there was a deeper meaning in this… ?

breaking news

carrot salad AND fruit salad for 20 ppl.

breaded mushrooms

home made ketchup, and cucumber-carrot salad; champignons breaded in egg (see above). all free (except the pumpkin seed oil).