imagine what happened next:

another bunch of Basilikum
and 2 more (and another herb that didn’t survive)
and then grew me a third leg!
at first it was very small, but they grow so quickly
27 glasses of cheese

i also found cat food, but i don’t have a cat. but i found hungry cats, too.

and then things were normal for a while…
… until things got much worse: a forth leg emerged!
more of what you want

900g of shrimps! only the portable mobile audio cassette playback device apparatus (bottom center) i couldn’t get to work no more.

then i confronted this rubbish bread with critival whiteness theory.

but it’s working class, so it didn’t get any of it. the elitist sugar pastries (left side) don’t want to be associated with the whole lot (but they are just as white).