mid summer – Yul Müll

these are the longest days of the year, no matter what’s your confession. and they are hot, which puts some timely pressure onto our jolly enterprise – it’s not only important to know the vegetative seasons, but also your local shops’ schedule!

recent results (in reversed chronologic order):

midweekday is not so a good day

Wednesday you may find empty bins. or 3 orchids, 5 bottles of beer, 20kg of potatos and some 4kg of fair trade bananas.

there have you the salad

i hate how the plastic is blinding in celestial golden plastic rays of light. it’s mostly tuna-egg-spinach “protein pot” – bodybuilder-food that the bodybuilders don’t like.

a trip to the country side

just when i started to miss white bread (for my avocados), i am punished with it. this is the result from visiting friends in the country.

no plastic saves the planet

this one local supermarket now saves the planet by removing all the plastic from the tropical fruits before they throw it away – well thought: waste global, think only local.

Birch Boletus

These here Birch Boleti don’t belong on this page, i’m glad you noticed.

however, they were in the forest, i didn’t pay for them, and i shared them, so they are truely anti-capitalists. (2€-coin for size comparison.)