Birch Polypore

Fomitopsis betulina (previously Piptoporus betulinus) grows only on birches, and pretty much everything about birches is great.

Birch Polypore Arrangement (far left: Enjoyable Polypore tea, far right: Ötzi’s wrist band)

Birch Polypore only important for survival – if you want to survival Cancer, (chronical) stomach illness, it’s even said to cure Depressions (probably those related to stomach issues).

A friend told me of an elderly mountaineer who drinks a cup of polypore tea every day. Later i read of POWs to (sowjet) russia who learned about Birch Polypore during their harsh encampment, and use it since (all these decades!)

Even Ötzi the Ice Mummy used Birch Polypore, probably for deflamatory reasons (he was recovering from a recent bone fracture).


Not Disgustingly Bitter Birch Polypore Tea Recipe:

tsp. honey (or apple sirup, algave or whatever floats your boat)

scrapes of apple

some scrapes of birch polypore

variations contain ginger, or other leaves & herbs

add boiling water and sit for appr 9mins.